llama trek, Bolivia

The magnificent Cordillera Real stretches for 100 miles (160 km) and encompasses sheer granite cliffs, snow-capped peaks, shimmering lagoons, and glaciers. Starting with a 3-hour drive from La Paz, this high-altitude trek takes you to heights of up to 14,765 ft (4,500 m), where you need to take things slowly in the rarefied air.

ABOVE Trekking with llamas on a mountain slope in the Cordillera Real, Bolivia
ABOVE Trekking with llamas on a mountain slope in the Cordillera Real, Bolivia

The path follows pre-Inca trails and your equipment is carried by mules and llamas, which are led by an arriero (muleteer). You are likely to come across the indigenous Aymara people in their stone houses or herding alpacas on the mountain slopes.

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