Pedra Azul

Smooth-sided, soaring Pedra Azul, Brazil
Smooth-sided, soaring Pedra Azul, Brazil


LOCATION Pedra Azul is in Espírito Santo, Brazil, about 25 miles (40 km) west of the state capital of Vitória HEIGHT 700 ft (210 m)


Around 1.5 miles (2.5 km)


Jan: 76°F (24°C); Apr: 75°F (23°C) Jul: 69°F (20°C); Oct: 75°F (23°C)

Pedra Azul (Blue Rock) is an exposed dome with an exquisite blue-grey hue resulting from the algae, lichen, and mushrooms covering its surface.

The rock’s coloring alters subtly throughout the day, moving between charcoal gray and shades of mauve and blue, depending on the changing light. Although an ascent of this mighty rock would promise spectacular views towards the coast, climbing here has been prohibited in recent years in order to protect the bromeliads, orchids, and other vegetation that lives on and around the rock. Near the base of Pedra Azul’s north side you’ll find a large granite tower that resembles a giant lizard scaling the dome, which is aptly named Pedra do Lagarto (Lizard Rock). Trails within the state park are accessed in the company of a naturalist guide and lead to nine natural pools and wildlife-viewing opportunities.

Practical Information

Getting There Rent a car in Vitória and travel along Highway BR 262 in the direction of Belo Horizonte for about 25 miles (40 km). From the road, the rock is clearly visible and the park entrance is well signed.

When to Go The warm tropical climate means you can visit at any time of year.

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