The moment that you

The moment that you have a child – that you know that when he’ll turn 18, he’ll join the Army and go there for three years of compulsory service – then you can’t help yourself of thinking about the future – speculating about it, dreading it or even being – trying to be more active … Read more

In the NFL, you

In the NFL, you have a short shelf life. As a running back, if you’re the first pick, and you’re NFL life expectancy is only 3.5-6 years, your first big contract might not come until three years in – well, you might never get there. They need to get those signing bonuses up front because … Read more

Obviously this stuff takes

Obviously this stuff takes a bit of planning, but I’ve always been someone that sets achievable short-term goals. I’ve never been someone that’s had a five-year plan, or a three-year plan. That just seems to lead to a lot of disappointment, and doesn’t give you the chance to be flexible. So I’ve just always been … Read more

When I retired from

When I retired from the championships in 2012, I had finished in fourth place in the international division, second place in nationals, and first in our state three years in a row. This journey not only helped me overcome my fears, it taught me discipline and perseverance. The biggest medals were the friendships that I … Read more