I did 30 Minute

I did 30 Minute Meals for five years on local television, and I earned nothing the first two years. Then I earned $50 a segment. I spent more than that on gas and groceries, but I really enjoyed making the show and I loved going to a viewer’s house each week. I knew I enjoyed it, so I stuck with it even though it cost me.
Rachael Ray

For my parents it

For my parents it was all about getting a deal, my dad came to America and he heard of this concept of brunch. He didn’t quite know what it was. And he thought it was this other meal that existed between breakfast and lunch. He was kind of like – I remember he sort of was like America has so much food that between breakfast and lunch they have to stop and eat again. They have brunch. It was completely legal it was, like, a legal meal that you could have. I mean, clearly it wasn’t the only reason he came to America, but I think it certainly sweetened the pot for him.
Aasif Mandvi

Today, we’re taking a

Today, we’re taking a break from the concerns and the bustle of the work-a-day world. But we’re also making a new beginning. As we gather around our dining room tables for the midday meal, let us thank God for life and the blessings He’s put before us. High among them are our families, our freedom, … Read more