It is a common

It is a common thing for people to begin to lean in the direction of recovery, only to stop and take score too soon. And when they still find unwanted symptoms or conditions, they then offer resistant thought and lose the improved ground they have gained. With consistent releasing of resistance, all unwanted conditions will … Read more

And the Truth turns

And the Truth turns out to be nothing less than the amazing but undeniable fact that the whole outer world -whether it be the physical body, the common things of life, the winds and the rain, the clouds, the earth itself -is amenable to man’s thought, and that he had dominion over it when he … Read more

When in company with

When in company with literary women, make no allusions to ‘learned ladies,’ or ‘blue stockings,’ or express surprise that they should have any knowledge of housewifery, or needle-work, or dress; or that they are able to talk on ‘common things.’ It is rude and foolish and shows that you really know nothing about them, either … Read more

It\’s the character identification

It’s the character identification people remember, it’s not so much remembering the movie; they just know that I’m a badass. I was a badass in Chicago before the movies ever came out. I was a badass on the football field – that’s why they call me \”the Hammer.\” I don’t lean back on one particular … Read more