Perhaps the most concise

Perhaps the most concise summary of enlightenment would be: transcending dualism . … Dualism is the conceptual division of the world into categories … human perception is by nature a dualistic phenomenon – which makes the quest for enlightenment an uphill struggle, to say the least. Douglas Hofstadter

Fighting teaches you a

Fighting teaches you a lot about yourself. When you fight you are in a situation where failure can happen. This chance of failure forges your character in many ways and makes you realise how mentally tough you have to be as a fighter. This mental toughness will transfer into your everyday life, giving you drive … Read more

Songs give you incredible

Songs give you incredible opportunity to convey a tremendous amount in a relatively short period of time. The first thing that John Powell, our composer, says is, Is the song engaging you to tap your toe? If you’re not tapping your toe, it doesn’t matter what you’re doing in the song, it’s not going to … Read more

Oh, it doesn’t work

Oh, it doesn’t work at all. That’s the problem! It’s an endless, halting parade of inspections, bribes, and nonsense-but if you’re aboard a Texas vessel, you’ll find less inconvenience along the way. It’s because of their guns! declared Mr. Henderson, once more escaping his reverie, bobbing out of it as if to gasp for air. … Read more