Time is a very

Time is a very useful concept in terms of survival. It’s extraordinary that we can delineate a day into segments so that we can actually look at those segments, examine them, and see what worked and what didn’t’ work. We get very attached to time because it’s a power, this invention of time is very … Read more

Certainly Nancy Reagan had

Certainly Nancy Reagan had an extraordinary effect on her husband. I’m truly not sure that, say, Laura Bush had that much effect on the Bush administration. She certainly, you know, seems to be a nice person who I think the public likes. But I can’t really put my finger on any huge impact she’s had. … Read more

Sports is like literature.

Sports is like literature. People watch it and if it’s beautiful and it’s non-violent, whatever messages that you see, people can read into it and say, Wow! You know what? Whatever they’re doing over there, it’s extraordinary, and maybe that culture is superior to ours in certain ways. Gabe Polsky

I’m always interested in

I’m always interested in playing different people, in different situationsIt doesn’t matter to me whether someone is in love with a man or a woman. I find the idea of love and romance interesting. I’m a sucker for it. I like playing someone who’s falling in love because I like the sensation of it. People … Read more

Phyllis is one of

Phyllis is one of the tunnel boring machines for Crossrail and one of the most extraordinary characters I met, visiting some of the most exciting infrastructure in Britain. Crossrail is the new railway which will run from West to East right across London. It is the biggest engineering project in Europe – and Phyllis herself … Read more