Human history, like all

Human history, like all great movements, was cyclical, and returned to the point of beginning. The idea of indefinite progress in a right line was a chimera of the imagination, with no analogue in nature. The parabola of a comet was perhaps a yet better illustration of the career of humanity. Tending upward and sunward … Read more

I am a Prince,

I am a Prince, he replied, being rather dense. It is the function of a Prince—value A—to kill monsters—value B—for the purpose of establishing order—value C—and maintaining a steady supply of maidens—value D. If one inserts the derivative of value A (Prince) into the equation y equals BC plus CD squared, and sets it equal … Read more

The curve of life

The curve of life is like the parabola of a projectile which, disturbed from its initial state of rest, rises and then returns to a state of repose… Like a projectile flying to its goal, life ends in death. Even its ascent and its zenith are only steps and means to this goal… For, enlightenment … Read more

When we are young,

When we are young, we spend much time and pains in filling our note-books with all definitions of Religion, Love, Poetry, Politics, Art, in the hope that, in the course of a few years, we shall have condensed into our encyclopaedia the net value of all the theories at which the world has yet arrived. … Read more