Bingo!! Once again, privatization–*total*

Bingo!! Once again, privatization–*total* privatization–is the best solution. Get government, and government-sanctioned business collectives, out of the health ‘care’ picture entirely and, just maybe, I can go back to typing the word ‘care’ (in relation to ‘health’) without the quotes. 🙂 Edward Britton

First of all, the

First of all, the Social Security money belongs to Main Street, not to Wall Street. It needs to be said very clearly here that privatization is off the table… Social Security, as a matter of fact, is a better investment now than the stock market. There’s a higher return. There’s guaranteed cost-of-living increases. Privatization you … Read more

After the privatization of

After the privatization of public education everyone will get to choose a school that reflects only your own social values. No need for the competition of ideas or critical thinking. So the curriculum will be up to the school to determine. I am certain that the growing percentage of us who have McJobs will welcome … Read more

A global financial cabal

A global financial cabal engineered a fraudulent housing and debt bubble [2008], illegally shifted vast amounts of capital out of the US; and used ‘privatization’ as a form of piracy – a pretext to move government assets to private investors at below-market prices and then shift private liabilities back to government at no cost to … Read more