Tourism issues and insights transterritorial governance: the case of ỉresund,Denmark and Sweden

Trans-territorial organizations are organizations that have area boundaries that include the territories of constituent members. A number of trans-border regional agencies have been established within Europe with the support of the EU and national and regional govern- ments. One of the most recognized is that of Øresund.

The Øresund region links the region of Skåne in south-western Sweden with Zealand in Denmark. The most concrete as well as symbolic example of the Øresund region was the construction of the cross-border Øresund bridge, across the Øresund Strait, between Denmark and Sweden which connects the cities of Malmö (Sweden) and Copenhagen (Denmark) by road and train. Although a physical connection between Denmark and Sweden had been suggested since the 19th century, a new cross-border regional governance structure did not emerge until the 1950s. Various economic and political factors delayed both the physical and political connectivity of the cross-border region until the convergence of a number of interests in the late 1980s. These interests were expressed in a number of institu- tions that promoted the Øresund concept. Foremost among these is the region’ s governing body the Øresund Committee (Øresundskomiteen) which is a forum for local and regional politicians and authorities from both side of the Øresund Strait. Also of great importance are a number of other organizations that contributed to the development of the Øresund Region concept. These include:

● Scandinavian Academy of Management (a business and economics think tank).

● M edicon Valley Academy (a network organization that facilitates the collaboration of educational institutions and biomedical, biotechnological and pharmaceutical firms).

● Copenhagen Capacity (a marketing organization aimed at attracting and retain firms and industries).

● Wonderful Copenhagen (a tourism marketing organization, Copenhagen has the region ’ s international airport hub).

● Øresund University (a network composed of universities in the region).

● Øresund Science Park (a network of the various science parks in the region).

The development of new organizational networks and structures has practical implica- tions for tourism as they encourage greater movement of people within the region both directly through requirements for business travel and meetings but also as a justification for further transport provision. In addition, running parallel to the organizational and political development of the Øresund regional concept was the development of place marketing and promotional strategies that aim to reinforce an Øresund brand and identity both within the region and externally to potential visitors and investors.


Hall, C.M. (2008) T ourism Planning , 2nd edn., Prentice Hall, Harlow.

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