I want the pleasures

I want the pleasures of the real exploitation movie, and exploitation has changed so much in 40 years. Plenty of people grow up with this fantasy of, We’re going to do it like Roger Corman did it, as that sounds so fun. If you make something small, goofy and exploitative, it’s nowhere near the guaranteed … Read more

On one hand, I

On one hand, I kind of feel like I have unlimited options right now, and obviously that’s not technically true, but when you’re at this place where you’re just kind of dreaming up stuff, your imagination is your limit. That’s where I’m at, which is great, but ultimately I think you have to make these … Read more

I guess I’m not

I guess I’m not always looking for the same things in movies that most people are, which I wouldn’t have necessarily even really known if not for spending too much time reading about myself on the Internet. Andrew Bujalski