I’m very excited about

I’m very excited about dance and love it with a deep passion. I also struggle, tire and become discouraged. But what has always revived me…has been the rebirth of energy each time the creative process is awakened and artistic activity begins to unfold even in some infinitesimal measure. Anna Halprin

I imagine a future

I imagine a future where many of us will call ourselves dancers and collaborate to make an art which concerns itself with primary areas of life… for me, peace is a communal work process, a collective vision. The dance itself tries to exemplify a few of these methods in a truly grounded and practical way … Read more

Movement has the capacity

Movement has the capacity to take us to the home of the soul, the world within for which we have no name. Movement reaches our deepest nature, and dance creatively expresses it. Through dance, we gain new insights into the mystery of our lives. When brought forth from the inside and forged by the desire … Read more