The promise of American

The promise of American capitalism is that it makes people richer, freer and more independent. But since the introduction of Fed, the currency in which Americans keep score has so addled the figures, we scarcely know if we are winning or losing. The dollar we knew as a child – in the 1950’s – is … Read more

Norman Rockwell spent his

Norman Rockwell spent his career painting pictures that helped people understand their own feelings…pictures that enriched their own experiences and celebrated their own lives. But the art establishment branded him an ‘illustrator’, a sentimental one at that. Real artists, they said were doing art for art’s sake, not for the sake of the bourgeois public. … Read more

The US is headed

The US is headed for ruin and revolution. The revolution will almost certainly be put down, violently. But the ruin cannot be stopped. Bill Bonner