What if life after

What if life after death is all based within memory: you die, and you don’t ascend on a bed of clouds to Jesus, but your brain has a terrain that it can use to propel itself further. It’s more of a theoretical afterlife. If that’s true, all of these theoretical afterlives of people could potentially … Read more

I use the word

I use the word god a lot, and I’m not sure if I know what I believe god is. I don’t believe that when we die, that’s it. It’s almost like a logical faith. I logically don’t believe that all this stuff [surrounding us] is generated from dust. But I’m also not like Jesus Christ … Read more

When I was a

When I was a kid my primary goal in life was to find a book that was alive. Not alive in the human sense, but like a thing that would send me to a place not otherwise accessible on Earth. This book should have hidden words encrypted beneath the printed ones, so that if I … Read more