Americans were outraged and

Americans were outraged and horrified by this president’s reckless spending and his endless assaults on the Constitution, but no issue drove them to rise up and fight back like Obamacare – both the abominable legislative monstrosity itself and the tyrannical, corrupt manner by which Obama crammed it through the legislative process. David Limbaugh

In the name of

In the name of compassion, Obama advocates seemingly endless extensions of unemployment benefits because his economic theology holds that by paying people not to work, you will create jobs. It not only fails to factor in the obvious deterrent that extended benefits have on their recipients but also falsely assumes that transferring money from one … Read more

Republicans are already on

Republicans are already on seriously thin ice, having presided over an era of unprecedented spending and consistently failing to articulate conservative principles on a wide variety of issues. But what Obama has in store will make President Bush appear, in retrospect, like a libertarian. David Limbaugh

The hastily crafted [stimulus]

The hastily crafted [stimulus] bill, with its corrupt funding of ACORN and other favors, is a disgracefully irresponsible effort to expand the public sector, diminish the private sector, empower the autocrats, and further divest us of our individual liberties – all at the expense of present and future generations. David Limbaugh

It’s one thing to

It’s one thing to maintain that upper-income earners should pay higher tax rates because they are better able to shoulder the burden for essential government services. But it’s constitutional blasphemy to claim that the tax code should be used as a weapon against the wealthy and that the state should be the tyrannical arbiter of … Read more