Few stories are written

Few stories are written about what happens to the princess after the wedding. Reading between the lines of other stories, we can sketch out her \”happily ever after\”: The princess gets pregnant and hopes for sons. As long as she is faithful and bears sons, she is considered to be a good wife. We don’t … Read more

The tension to mother

The tension to mother the \”right\” way can leave a peculiar silence within mother daughter relationships–the silence of a mother’sown truth and experience. Within this silence, a daughter’s authentic voice can also fall silent. This is the silence of perfection. This silence of perfection prevents mothers from listening and learning from their daughters. Elizabeth Debold

Raising a daughter is

Raising a daughter is an extremely political act in this culture. Mothers have been placed in a no-win situation with their daught ers: if they teach their daughters simply how to get along in a world that has been shaped by men and male desires, then they betray their daughters’ potential But, if they do … Read more

Listening to learn isn\\’t

Listening to learn isn’t about giving advice–at least not until asked–but about trying to understand exactly what someone means,how it is that someone looks at and feels about her particular situation…. Listening to learn from a daughter in adolescence, conspiring with her thoughts and feelings, keeps a mother in touch with a daughter’s growing and … Read more