Among the men who

Among the men who fought on Iwo Jima, uncommon valor was a common virtue. Chester W. Nimitz

The highest greatness, surviving

The highest greatness, surviving time and stone, is that which proceeds from the soul of man. Monarchs and cabinets, generals and admirals, with the pomp of court and the circumstance of war, in the lapse of time disappear from sight; but the pioneers of truth, though poor and lowly, especially those whose example elevates human … Read more

While Admiral Neffenger is

While Admiral Neffenger is an impressive man, it is naive and dangerous to pretend installing one director can heal what ails TSA, the Department of Homeland Security needs to admit that it has a crisis of bureaucratic complacency – lacking an overarching vision and coherent measures of success and failure. Benjamin E. Sasse

What is wanted in

What is wanted in architecture, as in so many things, is a man. … One suggestion might be made-no profession in England has done its duty until it has furnished a victim. … Even our boasted navy never achieved a great victory until we shot an admiral. Suppose an architect were hanged? Terror has its … Read more

The surer of himself

The surer of himself an admiral is, the finer the tactical development of his fleet, the better his captains, the more reluctant must he necessarily be to enter into a melee with equal forces, in which all these advantages will be thrown away, chance reign supreme, and his fleet be place on terms of equality … Read more

The President is to

The President is to be commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the United States. In this respect his authority would be nominally the same with that of the king of Great Britain, but in substance much inferior to it. It would amount to nothing more than the supreme command and direction of the land … Read more