During the Obama years,

During the Obama years, the Republicans have done an unprecedented amount of stonewalling on cabinet-and-below appointees. I would also argue that their war on judicial nominees has been way beyond what went before. Really, if the president nominated God to serve on the D.C. Court of Appeals, Mitch McConnell would threaten a filibuster. Gail Collins

What war? said the

What war? said the Prime Minister sharply. No one has said anything to me about a war. I really think I should have been told. I’ll be damned, he said defiantly, if they shall have a war without consulting me. What’s a cabinet for, if there’s not more mutual confidence than that? What do they … Read more

Things like Kitchen Cabinet,

Things like Kitchen Cabinet, I’m not sure they necessarily tell the Australian people whether you have judgement, whether you have discernment, whether you have intellectual acuity, whether you are able to develop policy, whether you are able to represent individual cases to the highest levels of government successfully and in a manner that actually achieves … Read more

I\\’m not going to

I’m not going to say that all the cabinet appointments of the men and women, you know, obviously we might have some reservations on some, but the women’s movement has congratulated them for some of the appointments and is urging and encouraging more women in the Executive Branch and high areas. Eleanor Smeal