However, the daily life

However, the daily life of the slaves in the South, as observed by many travelers, was obscured for all time by the relentless promotion of a single book, Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Even today, any black who dares to say that perhaps we are not as badly off as our brethren in the … Read more

One who is mostly

One who is mostly an observer thrives in good times but suffers in bad times because what he is observing is already vibrating, and as he observes it, he includes it in his vibrational countenance. As he includes it, the Universe accepts that as his point of attraction and gives him more of it. So … Read more

The basic function of

The basic function of the government everywhere in all times, whatever title it adopts and whatever its origin and organisation may be, is always that of oppressing and exploiting the masses, of defending the oppressors and the exploiters: and it’s principal, characteristic and indispensable instruments are the police agent and the tax-collector, the soldier and … Read more