Whenever life gets to

Whenever life gets to be too much for me, I have a hard time keeping my eyes open. Sleeping is cheaper and safer than drinking. It keeps you from saying or doing things you’ll regret later, and though you may have nightmares, you won’t wake up with a hangover. I recommend it wholeheartedly. Elizabeth Forsythe … Read more

This is not about

This is not about charity, it’s about justice… The war against terror is bound up in the war against poverty – I didn’t say that, Colin Powell said that . . . In these disturbing and distressing times, surely it’s cheaper, and smarter, to make friends out of potential enemies than it is to defend … Read more

Of course we will

Of course we will continue to work for cheaper electricity in the homes and on the farms of America; for better and cheaper transportation; for low interest rates; for sounder home financing; for better banking; for the regulation of security issues; for reciprocal trade among nations and for the wiping out of slums. And my … Read more