The incapacity of a

The incapacity of a weak and distracted government may often assume the appearance and produce the effects of a treasonable correspondence with the public enemy. If Alaric himself had been introduced into the council of Ravenna, he would probably have advised the same measures which were actually pursued by the ministers of Honorius. Edward Gibbon

Facts are to the

Facts are to the mind what food is to the body. On the due digestion of the former depend the strength and wisdom of the one, just as vigor and health depend on the other. The wisest in council, the ablest in debate, and the most agreeable companion in the commerce of human life, is … Read more

I want Christians to

I want Christians to consider who they vote for. We look a lot at the presidential elections. And that’s where so much of our focus is, especially from the media, but some of the most important elections are the local elections – the mayors, city council members, county commissioners, school boards. How important school boards … Read more

Ever since taking office,

Ever since taking office, the Obama administration has sought to accommodate Islamist demands that freedom of expression be curbed, lest it offend Muslims and stoke violence. For example, in 2009, the administration co-sponsored a United Nations Human Rights Council resolution along those lines. Frank Gaffney

These Muslim Brotherhood fronts

These Muslim Brotherhood fronts – the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the Muslim Public Affairs Council, the Islamic Society of North America – we need accountability for what these groups are doing and need to understand that in many ways they are as toxic and dangerous for America as are their violent counterparts, which have exactly … Read more