I write about how

I write about how in Midland, the mayor instituted water conservation measures like restrictions on car washing. He made a point though that they were only suggestions and not government telling people what to do. But then his constituents got very ticked off at the sight of their neighbors breaking the rules and demanded that … Read more

As Mayor, I have

As Mayor, I have a responsibility to ensure city government is making life better for all Angelenos, especially those whose past hard work laid the foundation for the city we enjoy today. Whether someone is born here, or comes here for college, career, or retirement, I want L.A. to be a place that welcomes all … Read more

Madrid is enjoyed most

Madrid is enjoyed most from the ground, exploring your way through its narrow streets that always lead to some intriguing park, market, tapas bar or street performer. Each night we’d leave our hotel to begin a new adventure in Madrid and nine out of 10 times, we’d walk through the Plaza Mayor. Emilio Estevez