I\\’ve been friends with

I’ve been friends with the guys in Radiohead for a lot of years, and I watch the way those guys work with incredible envy. Because whatever the slings and arrows of dealing with the record business, at the end of the day, they have total creative autonomy. They don’t need a lot to do what … Read more

Henry David Thoreau, who

Henry David Thoreau, who never earned much of a living or sustained a relationship with any woman that wasn’t brotherly — who lived mostly under his parents’ roof . . . who advocated one day’s work and six days \”off\” as the weekly round and was considered a bit of a fool in his hometown … Read more

The free access to

The free access to information is not a privilege, but a necessity for any free society. One of my favorite things to do as a young man was wander through the stacks of my hometown library. I’d just browse until I found something interesting. Libraries have definitely changed my life. Ed Asner