Now my poor hometown

Now my poor hometown is being castigated as the center of an IRS scandal. Humble workers at the Cincinnati office targeted Tea Party groups and other conservative organizations for special scrutiny when those groups applied for tax-exempt status. There’s no conceivable excuse for that. It was deeply, deeply wrong. Gail Collins

That’s why we feel

That’s why we feel so disoriented, irritated even, when these touchstones from our past are altered. We don’t like it when our hometown changes, even in small ways. It’s unsettling. The playground! It used to be right here, I swear. Mess with our hometown, and you’re messing with our past, with who we are. Nobody … Read more

When I was six

When I was six I wanted to be a ballerina. By the time I was eight I was fairly sure this plan wasn’t panning out. I began aspiring to be an \”Aquamaid\” at a resort called \”Aquarena Springs\” in my hometown of San Marcos: Aquamaids got to wear mermaid tails and feed milk bottles underwater … Read more