In Israel, it always

In Israel, it always meant – and a lot of that is still true – there was only one kind of man you could be, there were no alternatives, no options. If you were from a good family, you were supposed to be a successful soldier at 18 and be strong, and prepared to protect … Read more

Further, it would take

Further, it would take one of those impossible coincidences that the Modern Liberal relies on so heavily to explain how it is that the two most religious nations in the Western World – the United States and Israel – are also arguably the world’s two most scientifically and technologically advanced. Evan Sayet

This kingdom of God

This kingdom of God life is not a matter of waking up each morning with a list of chores or an agenda to be tended to, left on our bedside table by the Holy Spirit for us while we slept. We wake up already immersed in a large story of creation and covenant, of Israel … Read more