Man himself is an

Man himself is an enigma in motion; his questions never stay asked; whereas the mold, the footprint, and by natural extension, the statue itself, like the vaults, the arches, the temples with which man records his own passing, remain immobile and fix a moment of man’s life, upon which one might endlessly meditate. Emile Chartier

Surely it is one

Surely it is one of the requisites of a tasteful garb that the expression of effort to please shall be wanting in it; that the mysteries of the toilet shall not be suggested by it; that the steps to its completion shall be knocked away like the sculptor’s ladder from the statue, and the mental … Read more

There\\’s a wonderful old

There’s a wonderful old Italian joke about a poor man who goes to church every day and prays before the statue of a great saint,’Dear saint-please, please, please…give me the grace to win the lottery.’ This lament goes on for months. Finally the exasperated statue come to life, looks down at the begging man and … Read more