Little Brother sounds an

Little Brother sounds an optimistic warning. It extrapolates from current events to remind us of the ever-growing threats to liberty. But it also notes that liberty ultimately resides in our individual attitudes and actions. In our increasingly authoritarian world, I especially hope that teenagers and young adults will read it – and then persuade their … Read more

Your True Nature Is

Your True Nature Is Love. There’s Nothing You Can Do About It. Byron Katie

Charles de Foucauld, the

Charles de Foucauld, the found of the Little Brothers of Jesus, wrote a single sentence that’s ahad a profound impact on my life. He said, The one thing we owe absolutely to God is never to be afraid of anything. Never to be afraid of anything, even death, which, after all, is but that final … Read more

When brothers agree, no

When brothers agree, no fortress is so strong as their common life. Antisthenes