Evolution as described by

Evolution as described by Charles Darwin is an scientific theory, abundantly reconfirmed, explaining physical phenomena by physical causes. Intelligent Design is a faith-based initiative in rhetorical argument. Should we teach I.D. in America’s public schools? Yes, let’s do – not as science, but alongside other spiritual beliefs, such as Islam, Zoroastrianism and the Hindu Idea … Read more

I’d finished the first

I’d finished the first two [books] and they were going to to be published, and [editor] said, We need you to write a summary that will drive people to these books. And it took forever. I couldn’t think of a thing to say. I looked at the back of other children’s books that were full … Read more

A common rhetorical strategy

A common rhetorical strategy of politicians and others is to frame their opponents’ views in the worst possible light, tacitly suggesting that all versions of the view must be committed to some particularly deplorable conclusion. Philosophers are not immune to this way of arguing. Dale Jamieson

Chomsky proceeds on the

Chomsky proceeds on the almost unthinkably subversive assumption that the United States should be judged by the same standards that it preaches (often at gunpoint) to other nations he is nearly the only person now writing who assumes a single standard of international morality not for rhetorical effect, but as a matter of habitual, practically … Read more

French rhetorical models are

French rhetorical models are too narrow for the English tradition. Most pernicious of French imports is the notion that there is no person behind a text. Is there anything more affected, aggressive, and relentlessly concrete than a Parisan intellectual behind his/her turgid text? The Parisian is a provincial when he pretends to speak for the … Read more