Pessimism like calumny is

Pessimism like calumny is easy to do, and attracts immediate attention. The gossiper and the writer may find this out soon enough, and a little encouragement from the current mood will procure them successes that bring endless imitators in their trail. On the other hand saying good things about life in general and individuals in … Read more

Calonice: My dear Lysistrata,

Calonice: My dear Lysistrata, just what is this matter you’ve summoned us women to consider.What’s up? Something big? Lysistrata: Very big. Calonice: (interested) Is it stout too? Lysistrata: (smiling) Yes, indeed — both big and stout. Calonice: What? And the women still haven’t come? Lysistrata: It’s not what you suppose; they’d come soon enough for … Read more

I never think of

I never think of the future – it comes soon enough. Albert Einstein