If somebody murders somewhere,

If somebody murders somewhere, I have a part in it. Even if I am a sleeper – I was sleeping, I donĀ“t know about the man, I will never hear about him – and somebody somewhere, in the Himalayas, commits a murder, if we are not individuals I have a part in it, I am also responsible. It is not so easy to throw the responsibility: I am not committing a murder, I am a saint. No saint is a saint because every sinner is implied in him.

Shankara commented on Krishna,

Shankara commented on Krishna, on the Upanishads, on the Brahma Sutras. Ramanuja commented on the ancient enlightened people, Vallabha did the same. It has always been so in the East, because much dust gathers as time passes. Now, the Upanishads were written in a totally different world. That man has disappeared, that mind has disappeared, that world no more exists.