Robert Frost says in

Robert Frost says in a piece of homely doggerel that he has hoped wisdom could be not only Attic but Laconic, Boeotian even – “at least not systematic”; but how systematically Frostian the worst of his later poems are! His good poems are the best refutation of, the most damning comment on, his bad: his … Read more

And one thing to

And one thing to be remembered: it is not that the people who are poor, starving, become frustrated with life – no. They cannot become frustrated. They have not lived yet – how can they be frustrated? They have hopes. A poor man always has hopes that something is going to happen – if not today then tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow; if not in this life then in the next life.

People are flawed. I

People are flawed. I like peaking into their flaws. The way to humanize them is not to play them in any general way, but to make them very specific. If you make them specific, they have hopes and dreams and loves and vulnerabilities and quirks and you get to know them and you get to … Read more