Lady Maccon stopped suddenly.

Lady Maccon stopped suddenly. Her husband got four long strides ahead before he realized she had paused. She was starring thoughtfully up into the aether, twirling the deadly parasol about her head. I have just remembered something, Alexia said when he returned to her side. Oh, that explains everything. How foolish of me to think … Read more

Speak up,’ says Myrna

Speak up,’ says Myrna who has a fuzzy white caterpillar of a moustache. ‘My hearing’s not so good.’ ‘I WAS SHOT IN THE HEAD.’ Liz turns to Thandi. ‘I thought you said you didn’t remember how you got the hole in your head.’ Thandi apologizes. ‘I just remembered.’ ‘Shot in the head!’ Florence-scratchy-voice says. ‘Oy, … Read more

She felt so old,

She felt so old, so worn out, so far away from the best moments of her life that she even yearned for those that she remembered as the worst… Her heart of compressed ash, which had resisted the most telling blows of daily reality without strain, fell apart with the first waves of nostalgia. The … Read more

One of man’s important

One of man’s important mistakes, one which must be remembered, is his illusion in regard to his I. Man such as we know him, the ‘man-machine,’ the man who cannot ‘do,’ and with whom and through whom everything ‘happens,’ cannot have a permanent and single I. His I changes as quickly as his thoughts, feelings … Read more

Archimedes will be remembered

Archimedes will be remembered when Aeschylus is forgotten, because languages die and mathematical ideas do not. Immortality may be a silly word, but probably a mathematician has the best chance of whatever it may mean. G. H. Hardy