Please allow me to

Please allow me to wipe the slate clean. Age has no reality except in the physical world. The essence of a human being is resistant to the passage of time. Our inner lives are eternal, which is to say that our spirits remain as youthful and vigorous as when we were in full bloom. Think … Read more

God is alpha and

God is alpha and omega in the great world: endeavor to make him so in the little world; make him thy evening epilogue and thy morning prologue; practice to make him thy last thought at night when thou sleepest, and thy first thought in the morning when thou awakest; so shall thy fancy be sanctified … Read more

The Lord Jesus Christ

The Lord Jesus Christ is in a class all by Himself; there are no competitors, no rivals; He is unique. He is Lord of all. He is King of kings, Lord of lords, the image of the invisible God. He is Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the Preeminent One. David Jeremiah

Imagination is a valuable

Imagination is a valuable asset in business and she has a sister, Understanding, who also serves. Together they make a splendid team and business problems dissolve and the impossible is accomplished by their ministrations…. Imagination concerning the world’s wants and the individual’s needs should be the Alpha and Omega of self-education. Alice Foote MacDougall

We are effectively destroying

We are effectively destroying ourselves by violence masquerading as love. I am a specialist, God help me, in events in inner space and time, in experiences called thoughts, images, reveries, dreams, visions, hallucinations, dreams of memories, memories of dreams, memories of visions, dreams of hallucinations, refractions of refractions of refractions of that original Alpha and Omega of experience and reality, that Reality on whose repression, denial, splitting, projection, falsification, and general desecration and profanation our civilisation as much as anything is based.
R. D. Laing

We are not doomed

We are not doomed to an ultimate conflict with no hope of resolution. The message of the Scripture is one of victory – full, final and ultimate victory. It is not our doom that is certain, but Satan’s. His head has been crushed by the heel of Christ, who is the Alpha and Omega.
R. C. Sproul