There is a grandeur

There is a grandeur in the uniformity of the mass. When a fashion, a dance, a song, a slogan or a joke sweeps like wildfire from one end of the continent to the other, and a hundred million people roar with laughter, sway their bodies in unison, hum one song or break forth in anger … Read more

Italy is such a

Italy is such a delightful place to live in if you happen to be a man. There one may enjoy that exquisite luxury of Socialism–that true Socialism which is based not on equality of income or character, but on the equality of manners. In the democracy of the caffè or the street the great question … Read more

We want no revolution;

We want no revolution; we want the brotherhood of men. We want men to love one another. We want all men to have what is sufficient for their needs. And now – strange thought – the devil has so maneuvered that the people turn from Him because those who profess Him are clothed in soft … Read more

The brotherhood of men

The brotherhood of men does not imply their equality. Families have their fools and their men of genius, their black sheep and their saints, their worldly successes and their worldly failures. A man should treat his brothers lovingly and with justice, according to the deserts of each. But the deserts of every brother are not … Read more