The younger generation forms

The younger generation forms a country of its own. It has no geographical boundaries. I’ve talked with young Hungarians in Budapest, with young Italians in Rome, with young Frenchmen in Paris, and with young people all over. … These young people are going to do things. They are going to change things. Edna St. Vincent … Read more

When I was a

When I was a student at university, I went to live in Budapest. I grew up in the countryside. In those days, I had a conservative right-wing way of thinking. At university, I met the other young people with whom I made this party, Jobbik. These friends grew to include more people, and as more … Read more

I am with you.

I am with you. I’m not going anywhere. Is there anything special you want to see? Paris? Budapest? The Leaning Tower of Pisa? Only if it falls on Sebastian’s head, she thought. Can we travel to Idris? I mean, I guess, can the apartment travel there? It can’t get past the wards. His hand traced … Read more

Where would you like

Where would you like to go, what would you really like to do with your life? See Istanbul, Port Said, Nairobi, Budapest. Write a book. Smoke too many cigarettes. Fall off a cliff but get caught in a tree halfway down. Get shot at a few times in a dark alley on a Morrocan midnight. … Read more