A short time later,

A short time later, when the carpenter was taking measurements for the coffin, through the window they saw a light rain of tiny yellow flowers falling. They fell on the town all through the night in a silent storm, and they covered the roofs and blocked the doors and smothered the animals who slept outdoors. … Read more

As I look at

As I look at my own precious children, I feel, like Joseph, that I have been entrusted with a great treasure. Recognizing that Joseph was a strong, responsible, and loving man who sought and received revelation to care for his family, I am inspired to emulate those qualities. In those moments, the gift I hope … Read more

No true work since

No true work since the world began was ever wasted; no true life since the world began has ever failed. Oh, understand those two perverted word, failure and success and measure them by the eternal, not the earthly, standard. When after thirty obscure, toilsome, unrecorded years in the shop of the village carpenter, one came … Read more

A young apprentice applied

A young apprentice applied to a master carpenter for a job. The older man asked him, \”Do you know your trade?\” \”Yes, sir!\” the young man replied proudly. \”Have you ever made a mistake?\” the older man inquired. \”No, sir!\” the young man answered, feeling certain he would get the job. \”Then there’s no way … Read more

What the church should

What the church should be telling the worker is that the first demand religion makes on him is that he should be a good workman. If he is a carpenter he should be a competent carpenter. Church by all means on Sundays-but what is the use of church if at the very center of life … Read more