I am pleased enough

I am pleased enough with the surfaces – in fact they alone seem to me to be of much importance. Such things for example as the grasp of a child’s hand in your own, the flavor of an apple, the embrace of a friend or lover, the silk of a girl’s thigh, the sunlight on … Read more

Now she realized that

Now she realized that she was not peering at a so-dark-blue-it-looked-black ocean, but rather she was looking straight through miles of incredibly clear water at something enormous and black in its nethermost depths. Maybe it was the bottom – so deep that not even light could touch it. And yet, down in those impossible depths, … Read more

we’ll have to reclaim

we’ll have to reclaim the ward ‘taxes.’ Why has it become a synonym for ‘evil’? I understand that no one likes to pay good money for nothing. But fire and police protection aren’t nothing. … Roads, bridges, airports, and mass transit systems aren’t nothing. National parks, clean air, and clear water aren’t nothing. A safe … Read more