I found a lot

I found a lot of stuff that’s never been seen before. That was the goal: to not use cliché Cold War footage but give people a sense of the place and setting. It’s a field you still need. At first it was a lot of fun, and then later it became a little bit intimidating. … Read more

Every generation faces a

Every generation faces a challenge. In the 1930s, it was the creation of Social Security. In the 1960s, it was putting a man on the moon. In the 1980s, it was ending the Cold War. Our generation’s challenge will be addressing global climate change while sustaining a growing global economy Eileen Claussen

One concern I had

One concern I had while I was working actively in the intelligence community – being someone who had broad access, who was exposed to more reports than average individuals, who had a better understanding of the bigger picture – was that the post – World War II, post – Cold War directions of societies were … Read more

Edmund Wilson was our

Edmund Wilson was our greatest American literary critic because he was more than a literary critic: He was a fearless, even radical judge of the society he lived in. (See, for example, _A Piece of My Mind_; _The Cold War and the Income Tax_; the introduction to _Patriotic Gore_.) Our conventional critics cannot forgive him … Read more