If you can’t fail

If you can’t fail then how can you possible develop as a communicator or as a creator of anything? We are locked into a deeply unhealthy notion that somehow you’ve got to succeed all the time. An appalling notion. Any painter or writer will tell you that that is no way to proceed. One of … Read more

I wrote \\\”Win\\\” for

I wrote \”Win\” for people on both sides, legitimately on both sides. If you’re a Democrat listening to this right now, you – the whole playbook is in this book. If you’re a Republican, and you’re frustrated because Barack Obama is a great communicator, the playbook is in this book. And if you’re a corporation … Read more

When I say or

When I say or write something, there are actually a whole lot of different things I am communicating. The propositional content (i.e., the verbal information I’m trying to convey) is only one part of it. Another part is stuff about me, the communicator. Everyone knows this. It’s a function of the fact there are so … Read more

[Mitch Daniels] was not

[Mitch Daniels] was not a bad governor. He could be playful, but – or communicator.I’m just saying it will – I think will be – every candidate comes into the White House, assuming if [Hillary Clinton] wins, or if she does win, with strengths and weaknesses. This will be a weakness, because this was such … Read more