The poster art over

The poster art over the years, art with social critique in it, has always been on class war theme. It’s been trying to make that point – that we are larger than they are. They may have guns and pepper spray and helicopters and F16s and the whole U.S. military on their side, but when … Read more

The author with the

The author with the greatest influence on me is my friend Stephen Harrigan, who critiques everything I write before I even bother to show it to my agent or editor. He’s a truly great writer – author of Gates of the Alamo and other books you might know of, and his instincts about what’s working … Read more

I would very honestly

I would very honestly just tell you that what I tried to do was simply respond to inquiries from people as they came in. Where I’ve thought I could say something useful, I’ve tried to add a voice that was, frankly, a dissident voice earlier on, but one that I think has become a more … Read more