Filming in Africa touched

Filming in Africa touched something really deep inside of me, really. It changed my matrix, my insides. My blood even feels kinda different. I don’t know how to describe it. It’s really kind of Eucharistic. I feel like I ate the place and now it’s part of my system, part of my being. I’m not … Read more

The experience of losing

The experience of losing a loved one impels us toward a deeper understanding of life. Everyone fears and is saddened by death. That is natural. But by struggling to overcome the pain and sadness that accompanies death, we become sharply aware of the dignity and preciousness of life and develop the compassion to share the … Read more

There is a need

There is a need in every generation to study the past, to absorb its spirit, to preserve its messages…it’s a collaboration of ourselves and our ancestors, the result is a deeper understanding for individuals and in consequence, a broader culture for the nation. Christopher Tunnard

The Pleiadians are very

The Pleiadians are very much part of our evolution right now, and I think one of the most common questions people ask, What is in it for the Pleiadians? Why are they supporting us in this way? The best answer is that they will benefit from our evolution, just as the whole universe will. As … Read more

The triumph of the

The triumph of the written word is often attained when the writer achieves union and trust with the reader, who then becomes ready to be drawn into unfamiliar territory, walking in borrowed literary shoes so to speak, toward a deeper understanding of self or society, or of foreign peoples, cultures, and situations. Chinua Achebe

‘In his celebrated book,

‘In his celebrated book, ‘On Liberty’, the English philosopher John Stuart Mill argued that silencing an opinion is a peculiar evil. If the opinion is right, we are robbed of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth; and if it’s wrong, we are deprived of a deeper understanding of the truth in its collision with … Read more