The history of the

The history of the welfare state is the history of public enterprise pushing out private organization. The impact was largely unintentional, but natural and inevitable. Higher taxes left individuals with less money to give; government’s assumption of responsibility for providing welfare shriveled the perceived duty of individuals to respond to their neighbors’ needs; and the … Read more

It’s important to recognize

It’s important to recognize your own self-destructive behavior and be honest about it. You’re only hurting yourself or losing out on your truth and happiness. I’m not afraid to face my own personal stuff. It’s so important to dig it up and figure it out and move on. Christina Aguilera

In Maybe I Will,

In Maybe I Will, Laurie Gray writes about important topics that teens need to talk about, including sexual assault, friendship, and alcoholism or self-destructive behaviors that result from trauma. Maybe I Will may help some teens know they’re not alone. Cheryl Rainfield

Well it’s been about

Well it’s been about 100 years and every attempt at a comics writers’ union has failed miserably. There is, sadly, a long history of short-term thinking and self-destructive behavior among my fellow comic book creators. No matter how many horror stories they have heard they won’t even go so far as to hire themselves a … Read more

From the writing stage,

From the writing stage, I had envisioned a film that would be bright and light, even if the movie addresses adolescent unrest and self-destructive behavior. Talking about adolescence, I wanted to make a very musical film that was also a love story with a sensorial, sensual dimension and which had a strong emotional impact. Alante … Read more