When you consciously decide

When you consciously decide to breathe more slowly and deeply, you alert your body to the fact that you want it to behave differently. You are not just changing your breathing pattern, you are making a full-body announcement that you are entering into a different relationship with your mind and your body. Eric Maisel

I moved to New

I moved to New York when I was almost 21 and I’ve lived there for almost eight years, now I have a totally different relationship to L.A. There’s like all this space and it’s so beautiful seeing all these different landscapes and all my friends are here so now I really like it so much … Read more

I didn’t want to

I didn’t want to be apologetic about my love story, and I think to be willing to write about love you have to be willing to sound foolish. I wanted to write about foolish and goofy love and different relationships. I wanted to write about interracial relationships in a way that does not pretend as … Read more

When the film [Certified

When the film [Certified Copy] was in the Cannes Festival, I realized that the fact of having it shot in a different culture, in a different language, in a different setting, that wasn’t mine and that I didn’t belong to, gave me a totally different relationship to the film. When I was sitting in the audience during the official screening in Cannes, I didn’t feel that it was my film.
Abbas Kiarostami