I am involved in

I am involved in every step of the process [musicmaking]. Whether it is the production or the mixing or the visuals and music videos. I’m involved in every step of the way as far as the creative, directing and merchandise . Just making sure everything that falls in line with my brand is portrayed a … Read more

The tourist debauches the

The tourist debauches the great monuments of antiquity, a comic figure, always inapt in his comments, incongruous in his appearance; …avarice and deceit attack him at every step; the shops that he patronizes are full of forgeries… But we need feel no scruple or twinge of uncertainty; ‘we’ are travelers and cosmopolitans; the tourist is … Read more

Once you start deliberately

Once you start deliberately offering thought, then you can never offer enough action to keep up with the thought. Once you access the Energy that creates worlds, a huge vortex comes into place, and there’s just not enough action for you to keep up with that. And so, what you have to do is visualize … Read more

Neither loss of father,

Neither loss of father, nor loss of mother, dear as she was to Mr Thornton, could have poisoned the remembrance of the weeks, the days, the hours, when a walk of two miles, every step of which was pleasant, as it brought him nearer and nearer to her, took him to her sweet presence – … Read more