I always had an

I always had an existential crisis, trying to figure out ‘what does it all mean?’ I came to the conclusion that if we can advance the knowledge of the world, if we can expand the scope and scale of consciousness, then, we’re better able to ask the right questions and become more enlightened. That’s the … Read more

I think that obviously

I think that obviously the quest for purpose, or meaning, or understanding to existence is something that I always think about, always deal with. I guess everybody does – that existential crisis of human condition. It’s nothing new. But I’d love to come across something that really made me believe in something. Conor Oberst

There’s this existential crisis

There’s this existential crisis in America and in the West of, like – who am I? – based on this searching for individual fulfillment, which you don’t necessarily have in the East in the same way because you’re kind of told what to do. I’m not saying one is better than the other, I’m just saying that’s just, like, the reality.
Aasif Mandvi