Never, in all my

Never, in all my early childhood, did anyone address to me the affecting preamble: ‘Once upon a time!’ … I can but think that my parents were in error thus to exclude the imaginary from my outlook upon facts. They desired to make me truthful; the tendency was to make me positive and sceptical. Had … Read more

We think that play

We think that play and fairytales belong to childhood – how shortsighted that is! As though we would want at any time in our life to live without play and fairytales! We give these things other names, to be sure, and feel differently about them, but precisely this is the evidence that they are the … Read more

As young girls we

As young girls we grow up with the idea that life is going to be a bit of a fairytale. But at some point reality hits and we realise that’s not what life is about. Many of us are faced with eating disorders and mental health struggles, bad relationships and heartbreak, low self-esteem and confused … Read more