Quietly Sophronia added, And

Quietly Sophronia added, And the soot on my dress, sir? I didn’t see anything. Professor Braithwope smiled down at her, showing a small hint of fang. Sophronia grinned back. I’m glad we understand each other, sir. The vampire looked out into the night. This is the right finishing school for you, isn’t it, whot? Yes … Read more

I’m not one of

I’m not one of those New Yorkers who so much identifies themselves with the city that they can’t imagine living anywhere else. I plan to live a lot of other places, but it is defiantly is a big part of who I am. I have a complicated relationship with it. It has changed so much, … Read more

I’m competing with everyone,

I’m competing with everyone, but it’s okay because they’re not aware. I can’t shut that impulse off. And I’m glad, because that impulse keeps me on the treadmill. If I didn’t have it, I would be like, Great! Ten minutes! I’m good. But if I’m competing, I can see what level someone’s on and I … Read more

Much is now being

Much is now being said about evangelism; but before we get effective evangelism, we have to get effective evangelists. Evangelism is useless unless it is the work of one devoted to God, willing and glad to suffer all things for God, penetrated by the attractiveness of God. New machinery, adaptations and adjustments, are not the … Read more