I think of it

I think of it as a good opportunity to let, in particular, school kids know that this job and other interesting jobs in science and engineering are open to anyone who works hard in school and gets a good education and studies math and science. And that it’s not just for a select group of … Read more

Small opportunities are often

Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises. Demosthenes

After having, I think,

After having, I think, rather successfully mined the horror-comedy aspects of this concept over the course of Bride of Chucky and Seed of Chucky, the fans are really telling us that they want it to be scary again. Doing the remake just provides us with a really good opportunity to bring it home, so to … Read more

We are all faced

We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations. Charles R. Swindoll

Then idiots talk….of Energy.

Then idiots talk….of Energy. If there is a word in the dictionary under any letter from A to Z that I abominate, it is energy. It is such a conventional superstition, such parrot gabble! What the deuce!….But show me a good opportunity, show me something really worth being energetic about, and I’ll show you energy. … Read more

Anybody who watched football

Anybody who watched football last year knows they’re good. But that represents a very good opportunity for us. It really does. I think somehow, if we’re able to pull that off, I think it will go a long way for our confidence. I look at it as a great opportunity, and hopefully we’ll be at … Read more