Economics and a reliance

Economics and a reliance on science and technology to solve our problems has led to an unsustainable situation where continued growth in consumption is required for governments and business to be considered successful. This is a form of insanity. Economics is at the heart of our destructive ways and our faith in it has blinded … Read more

We need government and

We need government and business to work together for the benefit of everyone. It should no longer be just about typical corporate social responsibility where the responsibility bit is usually the realm of a small team buried in a basement office – now it should be about every single person in a business taking responsibility … Read more

Government and business must

Government and business must come together on the interlinked issues of conservation, economic development and renewable energy. There are literally thousands of businesses, many in the tourism industry, that depend on an intact marine environment for their long-term survival. Richard Branson

Government’s view of the

Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it. Ronald Reagan