Real life this fdar

Real life this fdar had taught me that in the adult world, fate was chaotic and uncertain. Guidelines for success were arbitrary. But in the world of D&D, at least there was a rule book… By role-playing, we were in control, and our characters… wandered through places of danger, their destinies, ostensibly, within our grasp. … Read more

I love to read

I love to read about music and about art, but I don’t try and take things about mythology or guidelines as to how I’m to behave as an artist. It’s the realm of intellectual debate. Actually, more and more my direction is trying to get further away from being self-conscious of what the parameters are … Read more

When you\\’re working with

When you’re working with somebody else in that kind of way, you always have to have these guidelines to what you’re doing – especially when you’re working with your sibling. But when you’re working by yourself you’re free to do whatever you like. Eleanor Friedberger